Note:   You may view this document from your TimeClock Connect account by logging in and clicking on the Help link.

Basic Operation

To begin to track your hours:
  1. Select the Client from the drop down list. To enter a new client, press the "+" button.

  2. Select the Project from the drop down list. To enter a new project, press the "+" button.

    Note that if you don't need to track 'project', you can rename this 'secondary field' to whatever you want (Location, Task, Job, etc.) - see "Settings" below.

  3. Press "Start" - then confirm the Clock-In by selecting "Now".

After you have Clocked In, your hours will be tracked until you press "Stop". While working, you may exit the application or even turn off the device and the timing will not be affected.

If you'd like to keep track of notes while working, press the "+" button to enter your note. You may enter as many notes as you'd like. This information will be stored and exported along with the time record.

When you are finished working, press the "Stop" Button. The time record is now stored on your device.

Predefined Notes

If you find yourself entering the same notes over and over (to keep track of common tasks for example), you can streamline this process by creating Predefined Notes.

To configure predefined notes, go to:

More Options > Manage Predefined Notes

and add your common notes.

You may then choose from and enter these notes into a time record by pressing the middle button on the Add Note dialog.

Pausing the Timer

If you're working and want take a break, press the yellow Pause button.

This will take you to the "Paused" screen which will show you the amount of time that the timer has been paused.

You will also have the following options:
  1. Resume: Resume the timer.

  2. Undo Pause: Put the time since the pause back onto the original time record and continue timing.

  3. Stop: Close the original time record at the time that the pause occurred. Return to the main screen.

Note that the behavior of the Resume button is dependent on the Time Record Merge Mode (explained below)


While working, if you want to switch to a different client or secondary field (Project, Task, Location, etc.), press the blue "Switch..." button.

This will bring up a dialog box that will allow you to switch either field to a new value and then continue working.

Note that performing a switch will result in a new time record being created unless you have the Time Record Merge Mode set to 'Merge all Time Records that start on the same day'. See the Time Record Merge Mode section below for more details.

Adding a Time Record After the Fact

You can add a completed time record by long-pressing the "Time Records" button or by tapping the "Time Records" button and then pressing the "Add" button.

Tracking Expenses

You can add an expense by long-pressing the "Expenses" button or by tapping the "Expenses" button and then pressing the "Add" button.

When you add an expense you will be prompted to add either an Item or a Mileage Expense

Item Expenses

For any non-mileage expense such as meals, hotels, supplies or equipment, use the Add Item option.

Upon adding an item expense, you'll be prompted to provide the item name, unit cost, count, and optional notes. You may create Predefined Expense Items for recurring expenses.

Note that you can add expenses with a negative cost to track payments or credits.

Mileage Expenses

For mileage expenses you will need to provide a per-mile (or whatever distance unit you're using) reimbursement allowance.

Then you'll need to provide the distance traveled. This may be entered as total distance traveled or by providing starting and ending odometer readings from your car. You may create an expense with only a starting odometer reading and later go back and provide the ending reading.

Viewing and Exporting Time Record Data

To view and export your time record data, press the "Time Records" button. This will take you to a page displaying a summary of the time records that are stored on the device. The blue table shows a summary row for each time record. To see all of the data associated with a time record, select the row by tapping on it.

Filtering the List

If you only want to see data for a particular client or secondary field, tap the button at the top of the page. You may then select the client and secondary field that you are interested in. The data in the list will then reflect your filter selections.

Date Filter

To only show time records for a particular date range, tap the next button down (the label reads "Dates:"). This will bring up a screen that will allow you to either specify a preset range (this week, this month, etc) or you may enter an explicit date range.

Exporting Data

To export the data, press the "Export" button. This will bring up a page allowing you to select which fields are exported. You may also change the order of the columns from this page. Once you have selected the fields to export, press the "Export" button.

This will take you to the email page with the data file already attached. Enter the "To" email address and press send. After receiving the email you can import data file into Excel or the application of your choice (see "Settings" section below for information about the type of file that is exported).

Note that the filters described above will also apply to exported data.

Editing and Deleting Time Records

To edit your time record data, press the "Time Records" button and tap on the row that you want to edit in the blue box. A screen with all the details of the selected time record will appear.

To adjust the start and end times, press the "Edit Times" button. From the Edit Times screen, if you wish to interactively adjust the times in 5 minute or 1 hour chunks, press the "Adjust " button. Otherwise, press the "Edit" button to specify a new time and date.

To change the hourly rate used to calculate the amount earned for this time record, press the "Edit Rate" button. Note that the new hourly rate that you specify will only apply to this time record.

To edit the client or secondary field, press the "Edit" button.

You may edit your notes by tapping on the note that you want to edit or delete. You may add additional notes by pressing the "Add Note" button.

To delete the selected time record, press the red "Delete" button. Note that this will delete the time record from the device AND from your TimeClock Connect account. If you want to keep the data on your TimeClock Connect account, use the "Clear" button.

To remove all of the time records displayed in the blue list, press the "Clear" button. Note that this will NOT delete the data from your TimeClock Connect account.

Time Record Merge Mode

Time Record Merge Mode is a setting that determines how Time Records are generated and consolidated. It is especially important when you are using a billing increment. Here are the different modes:

You can view and change the Time Record Merge Mode on the Settings page (More Options > Settings)

Viewing and Exporting Expense Data

Tapping the "Expenses" button will take you to the Expenses listing.

Similar to the Time Records screen, you can view, edit, export and delete all of your expense data from this screen.

Splitting a Time Record

If you need to add a break to an existing time record you may use the "Split with Break" function.

For example, say that you have a time record (8am - 4pm) and you forgot to clock-out for lunch (1 hour starting at noon).
  1. Go to the Time Records screen and tap the time record.
  2. Scroll down and tap the "Split with Break" button.
  3. Tap "Edit Split Time"
  4. Set the time to 12:00 PM and tap "OK"
  5. Enter 60 minutes for the Break Time
  6. Press "OK"
You will see the original time record now has an end time of 12:00 PM and there is a new record with a start time of 1:00 PM and an end time of 4:00 PM. The net effect is that your hours worked went from 8 hours before the split to 7 hours after the split.

Client Billing Increment

When you add a client, you may specify a billing increment. The billing increment defines the minimum time that you charge your clients.

For example if you specify a billing increment of 15 minutes and you work for 5 minutes, the elapsed time will be 15 minutes. If you work for 20 minutes, the elapsed time will be 30 minutes.

The elapsed time will always be a multiple of the billing increment, rounding up from the actual time worked.

Flat Fee Tracking

There may be activities - such as a service call - for which you bill the client a flat fee. Say $100 per visit. There are two ways that you can track this using TimeClock.

First, you may track your time normally and then edit the time record to assign it a flat fee. You do this by going to the 'Time Records' page and tapping on the time record, then pressing the 'Flat Fee' button.

The other way to do this is to use the secondary field (that defaults to Project) to track Activities or Tasks. You can then set up a Task (say 'Service Call') with a Flat Fee so that whenever you use that task, the amount earned is always the set value, regardless of the amount of time worked.

Calculating Wages

TimeClock will calculate your wages if you specify your hourly rate. You can specify your rate for: For each time record, if the time record has an overridden rate, that will be used. Otherwise if the secondary field has a rate, then that will be used. Otherwise the client rate will be used.

If you don't want TimeClock to calculate your wages, do not specify any rates and only your hours worked will be displayed and exported.

Notification Icon

When you are clocked in there will be a small clock icon in the notification bar. You may select this notification to return to the TimeClock app.


Access the Settings page by pressing "More Options" and then selecting "Settings."

Secondary Field Label

This determines the name that is displayed for the field which is "Project" by default. It also defines the name that appears in the export file. Use this in cases where the project might not be as relevant as some other information such as "Location" or "Task".

Use 24 hour time

Determines whether 12 (am/pm) or 24 hour time is used for display, entry and export throughout the app.

Show seconds for start & end times

Determines whether seconds are displayed when start and end times are shown in the app and in the export file. Seconds are always used in the calculations - they are simply not displayed if this setting is unchecked.

Sort time records with newest first

If this is checked, the time record list and expense list will show the newest entries at the top. Otherwise the newest entries will show up at the bottom. This will also change the sort order of the exported time records.

Alternate date format

If this is checked, all dates will be displayed as day/month/year instead of month/day/year.

Currency Symbol

Symbol used for displaying amount earned - both in the app and in the export file.

Start of week

This is used when filtering time records to "This Week" or "Last Week".

Elapsed Time Display Format

This setting determines how elapsed hours are displayed in the application. For example, if you have a time record that goes from 1PM to 4:30PM, you have worked three and a half hours. Within the application this value can be displayed as follows:


H:M:S is short for Hours : Minutes : Seconds

Default export email destination

The export email destination will be pre-populated with the email address that you enter here. You will still have the option of changing this from the export email page.

Export File Format

Type of file that is exported from the app. You may choose Comma Separated Values (.csv) or Tab Delimited Format (.txt).

Show daily total hours

If this option is checked, The total hours worked for the current day for the current client and project will be shown below the main elapsed time display. If there are no prior matching time records for the current day, nothing additional will be shown.

Hide TimeClock Connect Section

If you choose not to use TimeClock Connect and you don't want to look at the buttons, then check this option.

Time Record Merge Mode

Time Record Merge Mode is a setting that determines how Time Records are generated and consolidated. It is especially important when you are using a billing increment.

See the Time Record Merge Mode section above for more information about this setting.